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Unsere Geschichte
The Sound of Friendship is an attempt to trace the warmth of ties established across two continents in times of the Cold War. The shooting in Madhepura, Bihar was completed in 2019. The filming in Germany (Berlin, Rösrath) took place in 2020 and 2021. The film has been extensively covered by media channels, newspapers, radio podcasts and magazines in German, English and Hindi. With the ongoing coverage on 100 years of radio, Warm Wavelengths has received new-found media interest and appreciation. We are happy to provide a viewing-link to those interested in reviewing the film.
Get in touch with the Director here!

Leibniz-Zentrum Moderne Orient, Berlin (ZMO)
Modernes Indien in Deutschen Archiven (MIDA)
Deutsches Rundfunk Archiv, Potsdam (DRA)